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Business Finance

Business Mortgage Loan


ProductDescriptionTarget ClientFunding AmountIndustries
Asset Based Lending (ABL)Lending (or account purchases) tied to amount of eligible assets, including accounts receivable, inventory and equipmentSmall to mid-size businesses that do not qualify for bank lines or are growing too fast for a bank line to be adequate to fund growth; annual revenues from $2 million to $25 millionTypical size of line from $1 million to over $10 millionAll Industries
FactoringPurchase of commercial or governmental invoices at a discount; Accelerates Client’s receipt of cash for redeployment into businessSmall to mid-size businesses that may lack adequate capital; can be early stage; annual revenues of $500,000 to over $10 millionTypical size of line from $50,000 to over $10 millionAll Industries (Construction & Healthcare provided by partnering companies)
QuickPaySpecialized accounts payable platform administered by Liquid Capital; may be coupled with an ABL Line or Factoring Line for Client, but Client may have own funding; used to provide a “quick payment” to contractors and vendors at a discountRevenues of $15 million to over $250 millionMinimum monthly payables from $1 millionTargeted Industries include: Transportation and Logistics; Construction; Property Management; Environmental; Medical Waste Disposal; & other businesses using contractors and
Supply Chain Payment Program (SCPay)Accounts payable platform providing early payments to vendors at a discount; funded by Client or Liquid Capital (Client’s choice); applies to all types of vendorsLarger companies, governments and institutions with supply chains of $25 million to over $1 billionMinimum monthly payables from $1 million to over $25 millionAll Industries
Purchase Finance Program (PFP)Inventory finance for bankable companies; Liquid Capital purchases required inventory from Client’s preferred vendor paying cash; Liquid Capital extends terms to Client for repayment of up to 90 Days; Client’s bank line is a source of repayment; Bank not asked to subordinate security interest in inventory; applies to all types of inventoryAnnual revenues of $2 million to over $25 millionTypical purchase activity of $25,000 to over $500,000 per monthAll Industries
Purchase Order Finance (PO)Funding for the production of product by third party manufacturers; product must be pre-sold; Producer can be domestic or foreignSmall to mid-size companies with large purchase orders; typical client may have annual revenues of $500,000 to $25 millionTypical size of line from $1 million to over $10 millionAll Industries that sell a product to be produced against a purchase order
Export FinanceABL Lines or Factoring Lines to fund the export sales; foreign accounts receivable of a business are often excluded by Banks from borrowing formulas; Liquid Capital funds foreign sales that is credit insured; Liquid Capital has own credit insurance policyAnnual revenues of $2 million to over $25 millionTypical size of line from $50,000 to over $10 millionAll Industries
Equipment LeasingEquipment finance in the form of leasing and financing; applies to new and used equipment and the refinance of existing equipment; A, B and C credit profiles acceptedAnnual revenues of $500,000 to over $250 millionTypically from $5,000 to over $5 millionAll Industries
Cash AdvancesCash advances based on future revenues of a business; advance is unsecured and is payable over a six to twelve month periodSmall businesses that may lack adequate capital; can be early stage; annual revenues of $500,000 to over $10 millionTypical advance from $25,000 to up to $500,000All Industries, including retail and service industries


Our Clients
To secure funding from banks and other traditional sources can be a long and frustrating process. With credit markets being as tight as they are, attempts to get financing are increasingly leading to frustration and disappointment for small and medium-sized business owners.
The need for simple and effective financing has tripled over the last decade, which is why more and more businesses are turning to factoring as a highly effective and viable source of funding to help meet their financial needs.
By selling credit-worthy invoices to Liquid Capital, businesses can acquire the working capital they need to fuel long-term growth and success. Thankfully, factoring is adaptable to a broad array of industries:

  • Agriculture
  • Apparel & Textile
  • Chemicals & Plastics
  • Computer Hardware
  • Consulting
  • Cosmetics
  • Electronics
  • Entertainment
  • Energy
  • Food & Beverage Distribution
  • Furniture & Housewares
  • Government Contractors
  • Graphic Design Companies
  • Healthcare Centers
  • Agriculture
  • Apparel & Textile
  • Chemicals & Plastics
  • Computer Hardware
  • Consulting
  • Cosmetics
  • Electronics
  • Entertainment
  • Energy
  • Food & Beverage Distribution
  • Furniture & Housewares
  • Government Contractors
  • Graphic Design Companies
  • Healthcare Centers
  • Agriculture
  • Apparel & Textile
  • Chemicals & Plastics
  • Computer Hardware
  • Consulting
  • Cosmetics
  • Electronics
  • Entertainment
  • Energy
  • Food & Beverage Distribution
  • Furniture & Housewares
  • Government Contractors
  • Graphic Design Companies
  • Healthcare Centers


Client Case Studies
Money Solutions Inc. Business Financing Partners have helped so many businesses across North America grow and meet their new business objectives. The feedback we receive on our financial solutions and the quality of our hands-on client service is overwhelmingly positive. The following is just a quick snapshot of the success our business partners have realized.
$350,000 Factoring Line for Cellular Tower Construction: This client had an immediate need for cash to sustain viability and to grow. The referring bank could not extend a line of credit. We were able to provide an expanding line of credit that not only kept the client in business, but allowed them to double their volume in less than three months.
$100,000 Factoring Line for Trucking Company:
This client was repeatedly exceeding their overdraft limit. The referring bank had discussed terminating their relationship if the issue was not resolved. We were able to provide a factoring line to make their account current. This solution provided much-needed working capital while preserving the banking relationship.
$100,000 Factoring Line for Printing Company:
This client was a prospect to the referring bank. The bank had the opportunity to secure new deposit accounts and believed that they would be able to extend a line of credit in a few months. We extended a factoring line as a bridge financing tool until the bank could put a line of credit in place.
$50,000 Factoring Line for Nurse Staffing Company:
This new but rapidly growing nurse staffing company had received authorization by the State of Tennessee to double their coverage in some areas. The company had been turning this business away, as they were struggling with hiring new personnel while having to wait the 45 days for payments from the state. Liquid Capital was able to step in and provide financing that would allow the company to accept these orders without having to worry about the slower payments and cash flow strain. The company can now focus on building and growing their business.
To find out if we have a financing option suited to your business needs speak with a Financial Solutions Specialist and simply fill out an Application Form now and find out if your business qualifies for financing.